While we can appreciate the growing secularism in the United States, the United Kingdom is far more secular and we have followed with interest the work of the Centre for Cultural Witness.
They have developed a powerful tool in the website,
seenandunseen.com, which includes articles by world-class scholars from a Christian worldview with an emphasis on beauty, goodness, and truth. In addition to preparing young leaders, they do research on apologetics in a post-Christian (and even post-truth world).
In addition to presentations by Bishop Tomlin, we will include a session on how to apply our learning about cultural witness to the local church.
Barry Crane, Senior Pastor of North Sound Church, will share his experience of partnering with the Centre for Cultural Witness and local application, and Jon Sween, pastor and Navigator missionary for 40 years, will share a reproducible curriculum for teaching cultural witness in the local church.